Bigg Boss 7 Top 3 finalist: These three people will be in the finals! He said it himself!! Trust me...

Bigg Boss season 7 has now completed 50 days. In this case, the question arises as to who will win the title. Even after half a day, there was no proper answer to this question. But now an important person who was in the Bigg Boss show has said that these three will be in the finale and it is viral on social media. Here are the details of who said what was said..

The seventh season of the Bigg Boss show is currently underway in its eighth season. The Bigg Boss show which has completed almost 50 days is going very patiently. There are less tough tasks and controversies in this season than in the previous seasons.

A lot of unexpected things have happened this season. Starting from red card to wild card and now coming back as an earthquake, wild card is something that everyone did not expect. Even though 50 days have been completed, the fans are saying that it is not possible to predict who will stand in the finale.

Kana Bala spoke about the finalist.

Every week the contestants take the top spots due to their behavior. In this case, Kana Bala, who was evicted from Bigg Boss last week, is saying that these three contestants will stand in the final. When Kana Bala came on the show, there was a lot of expectation on him. Moreover, people enjoyed every line of the song he sang and supported him. But he didn't have the pace he had in the first two days in the subsequent days, so people said.

Finalist by Ghana Bala

Kana Bala was evicted from the show in last week's elimination. Kana Bala has said that Maya, Dinesh and Vishnu will definitely be in Bigg Boss finale. Dinesh has come with a plan and a goal to win the title. Vishnu is still dying in the name of luck. Maya has gained a lot of experience in her personal life. Ghana Bala has said that these three will be in the final for these reasons.

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