Charles Ans And Sharif Will Make An Explosion Of Hip Hop And Flow In CDMX

 Sharif from Zaragoza   and the Hermosillo rap legend,  Charles Ans , are about to put together rhymes to shake the stage next year with a hip hop presentation that only these two compas can do. Hold on, next  March 3 the Pepsi Center  will have these two rhyming hypnotists.

From below,  Charles Ans  has entered the hip hop scene with songs like “Esta Noche” and “Si Never Va a Amanecer”, which are loaded with well-placed rhythms, lyrics that portray everyday life, the background of society. , the heartbreaks, the friendship, the disappointments and the moments of glory that Charles Ans himself   has managed to achieve with his music.

On the other hand, from Spain comes the unmistakable voice and unbridled verses of  Sharif , a compa who with more than 15 years of career has placed himself among the most listened to voices in Hispanic rap with songs like “Lumbre” and “Agua Bendita”. ”. Six albums support his career and now he comes to Mexico City to make history and conquer the Mexa race.

Get ready for a night of hard-hitting rhymes, irresistible beats and a hip hop experience that will resonate in everyone's hearts. Tickets will be on  Citibanamex pre-sale on November 24

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