Latest..the makers of "Kantara" gave an unexpected announcement

Kannada star actor Rishabh Shetty is the hero and Sapthami Gowda is the heroine in the recent movie "Kantara" directed by Rishabh Shetty. And this film was a devotional hit at the pan India level last year and received a gross of over 400 crores and became one of the biggest grossers of Kannada cinema that year.

Rishabh also announced a prequel to this film and there were more expectations, but now suddenly the makers have given a solid announcement. It was then that the date and time of the first look poster release of the film was locked.

It has been announced that the first look of "Kantara Part 1" will be released on November 27 at 12:25 PM. Moreover, the line in this announcement poster is more interesting, "It is not just light, it is vision". With this one can understand how devotional this movie is.

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