SA Chandrasekhar Achievement Award: Presented by MGR University

Annual function of Viscom department was held at MGR University, Chennai. SA Chandrasekhar was presented with Lifetime Achievement Award in Film Industry at this function. It was presented by the Chancellor of the University A.C. Shanmugam. SAC's wife Shoba Chandrasekhar also attended the function.

SA Chandrasekhar, who hailed from Ramanathapuram, joined the government service in Chennai. He became a sound engineer with MGR starrer 'Enga Vidya Pillai' and later worked as an assistant director to TN Balu. In 1981, he became a director with the film 'Chattam Oru Irutarai'. After that he directed more than 70 films. He has also directed Bollywood films. He has played character roles in many films. He has also acted as a hero in some films including Touring Talkies, Traffic Ramasamy. He is currently acting on the small screen as well. He cast his son Vijay as a hero in his production films. Now he is a leading actor.
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