Bigg Boss 07 Telugu: Dr. Babu is eliminated from Bigg Boss


Bigg Boss 07 Telugu Elimination:   Bigg Boss Telugu Season 07 has reached its final stage. The thirteenth week ended the suspense of who will be eliminated. Doctor cum actor Gautham Krishna was eliminated from the house unexpectedly. As always, Shobha was saved by the Bigg Boss team. Last week's nominations included Pallavi Prashanth, Gautham Krishna, Sivaji, Arjun Ambati, Shobha Shetty, Priyanka Jain and Prince Yavar. As part of the elimination process, Shobha and Gautham were left. Nagarjuna announced that Gautham was eliminated among the two. 

This time the makers have revealed the prize money of Bigg Boss season-7 in advance. Nagarjuna announced that this time the final winner will win Rs.50 lakhs, a car and jewelery worth Rs.15 lakhs. In the episode held on Sunday, Naa Samiranga' heroine Ashika Ranganathan and natural star Nani made noise on the Bigg Boss stage. 'Hero Nani spoke to the contestants as part of the promotions of the movie Hi Nanna.  

This is the reason!

Gautham, who has not made much of an impact since the first week of Bigg Boss, has improved his game since he went to the secret room. Besides, he was highlighted by frequently nominating Shivaji and quarreling with him. Even before Dr. Babu left, the same argument took place between them again. Gautham, who thought it was a plus to fight with Shivaji. Otherwise, it is reported that Gautham took a remuneration of Rs. 19.5 lakhs for 13 weeks at the rate of one and a half lakhs per week. 

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