Discover The New Facet Of Francely Abreuu With “Alaska”


Francely Abreuu and Kevis & Maykyy present their new single “Alaska” . This song is a watershed for Francely's career where she seeks to present a more urban side. Incorporating sounds and tools such as auto tune, it is possible to present Francely's already known melodies in a new sound seeking to connect with a new audience.

The single is accompanied by an official video with VFX effects taking Francely's image to a new world, where Kevis & Maykyy are present as main characters. The music video was directed by eltoyota , a young producer from Tijuana.

With this single, Francely closes the new music presented this year. At the beginning of the year she released her debut album De ella 2001, which currently has more than 26 million streams. Likewise, she presented us with MP3 , a 5-song EP by Latin Grammy nominee León Leiden .

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