Crossing 2024 Vegamovies: Release Date, Review



Lia, a retired teacher, made a promise to find out what happened to her long lost niece Tekla. When Lia learns from Achi, a neighbour, that Tekla might be living in Turkey, they set off together to find her. In Istanbul they discover a beautiful city full of connections and possibilities - but looking for someone who never intended to be found is harder than they thought. Until they meet Evrim, a lawyer fighting for trans rights. As Lia and Achi weave their way through the city's backstreets, Tekla starts to feel closer than ever

 Crossing 2024 Release Date, Cast & Crew

Director: Levan Akin
Writer: Levan Akin
Stars: Mzia Arabuli, Lucas Kankava, Deniz Dumanli
Genre: Drama
Release date: July 19, 2024 (United States)
Countries of origin: Sweden, Denmark, France, Turkey, Georgia
Languages: Georgian, Turkish, English

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