Disciples in the Moonlight 2024 Vegamovies: Release Date, Review


 Disciples in the Moonlight 2024 Story line

In the near future, the Bible has been banned in the United States and replaced with a government-approved Bible. A group of seven Christians from Indiana are asked to smuggle the true Word of God into underground churches in Kentucky, Illinois, and Ohio. With Homeland Security activated, the smugglers must be willing to risk everything for the Word of God and their testimony of Jesus Christ.

Disciples in the Moonlight 2024: Release Date, Cast and Review

Release Date: Jul 17, 2024
Running Time: 2 hr 6 min
Genres: Drama, Thriller

Director: Brett Varvel
Writer: Josh Strychalski
Stars: Todd Terry, Brett Varvel, Josh Strychalski
Release date: July 17, 2024 (United States)
Country of origin: United States
Language: English
Production companies: House of Grace Films, CineMammoth Productions
Runtime: 2 hours 6 minutes
Aspect ratio: 2.35 : 1

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